As a result of high workload at work, not all team members have time to do their work in multitasking mode, there are several stages that will help you allocate your time more efficiently, put things in order and do your work on time.
There comes a moment when you unexpectedly discovered that a huge amount of work has accumulated and it overwhelms you. At this moment, our worst friend Panika comes to our aid. At this point, we begin to analyze, but we realize that there is sorely not enough time, and the to-do list is already longer and wider than a toilet paper roll. We begin to blame everyone around for our failure, we get nervous and do not know what to grab onto. At such a moment, you need to calm down and remember a few simple steps, described below, that will help solve the problem of lack of time.
1. Make a list of tasks and exclude from them those that you will not be doing at the moment
Write down all the tasks you need to complete. Next, next to each task, write the priority of execution (Low, Medium, High). As a result, we will get three lists with different execution priorities. The first thing you need to start with is burning tasks from the high priority list, after completing urgent tasks you can move on to tasks with medium priority, and finally, if time permits, you can perform non-urgent tasks with low priority or postpone their execution to the next day.
This stage will help you calm down and structure the list of tasks by priority.
2. Consult with colleagues on the priority of tasks
It often happens that the existing list of tasks is very difficult to prioritize. Colleagues or the immediate supervisor from whom the tasks come will help you in this matter.
3. Keep a cool head for tasks
The All Blacks rugby team always uses this “Keep a cool head” method during the game. It perfectly describes the state in which team members understand how much pressure is being placed on them, but at the same time maintain a calm, relaxed game tactics and clear thinking.
But, unfortunately, there is also the opposite of “Hothead”. This method can be described as: tension, stiffness, obsession with the result, anxiety, aggression, playing to the maximum and despair.
Both of the above concepts perfectly illustrate how a desperate desire for success, hard efforts and attention to detail get in the way of achieving the desired result.
In order to transfer yourself from the “Hot Head” state to the “Cold Head” state, you need to breathe deeply and measuredly, and then use the “Anchor”, which allows you to return to reality (Example: you can stamp your foot or grab your wrist).
4. Organize your desktop
If your desktop is a mess then you are on your way to emotional exhaustion, stress and anxiety. Do not be lazy and take a few minutes to clean up your desktop, you will put things in order with documents and put your thoughts in order.
5. Whether multitasking exists or not
Many people think that multitasking is a sign of efficient work, but in practice everything looks different. Constant switching between tasks causes intellectual retardation, as a result of which the employee loses up to 40% of working time. It can also be said that people who perform several tasks at the same time absorb information worse than those who are busy with sequential execution.
If you are trying to simultaneously participate in a video conference, print a letter, check email and send emoticons to friends in instant messengers – please stop, nothing good will come of it!
6. Don’t Create Violent Activity Simulation (IBI)
Sometimes you want to share and tell everyone about your load at work. But is it true? Or do you want others to think so? Professionals who consider themselves overworked actually spend less time on work. If you say that you have worked more than 70 hours this week, the brain perceives this information as real and has a psychosomatic effect.